• 3 Ways A Compounding Pharmacy Can Help You

    9 March 2015

    Thousands flock to pharmacies every day to get their prescription medication. This normally works just fine, however, sometimes there are certain services that a normal pharmacy simply isn't equipped to handle. Often a compounding pharmacy can handle any shortcomings or special needs you might have. In fact, a compounding pharmacy can even help you in ways you may have never thought of. Supplying You With Discontinued Medication You might find yourself in a situation, especially if you are a long time patient, that a medication that was prescribed to you is no longer being made.

  • Age-Related Hearing Loss: Natural Ways You Can Prevent Further Damage

    2 March 2015

    Age-related hearing loss happens to nearly every adult as they age and is caused by the natural breakdown of tiny hair cells that exist in the ear. As these hair cells begin to deteriorate, you will notice your hearing become less keen than it used to be over time. While you cannot entirely prevent or even reverse this type of hearing loss, there are many natural ways you can prevent further damage to your ears.

  • Three Mistakes That Make Athlete's Foot Hang Around

    13 February 2015

    If you've ever suffered from athlete's foot, you know just how itchy and uncomfortable it can make your feet. You want to get rid of it as soon as possible so you can get back to your regular routine and stop thinking about your itchy feet day in and day out. Over-the-counter anti-fungal creams are pretty effective at relieving most cases of athlete's foot -- as long as you use them properly.

  • Frequent Ankle Sprains May Not Just Be Bad Luck

    4 February 2015

    You step off of a curb carefully because it seems that you have had more than your share of ankle injuries. This may not be a sign of clumsiness or even bad luck. A condition called ankle instability affects some people, making their ankles more prone to injury. Treatment is available for this which can make your ankle resistant to problems. You'll be able to walk, run and play sports again without the fear of a collapse of your ankle.

  • Making It Through The First Month With New Dentures

    22 January 2015

    If you are going to be getting dentures then you want to know exactly what to expect. When you get dentures for the first time there is going to be an adjustment period and you'll find that the first month is going to be the one with a lot of challenges to get through. The good news is that once you get past adapting to your new dentures you will be able to do everything almost as naturally as you did when you had a full set of your own natural teeth.